How do you get yourself motivated when working on a difficult work project?
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2006-10-09 11:06:00 UTC
Do you have any tips or ideas on what to tell yourself if you need to work for long periods of time without much help by yourself Meaning I'm trying to be positive, what keeps you feeling positive?
84 answers:
2006-10-09 11:17:43 UTC
For me, I break the project down into smaller pieces. Then I look at the pieces and figure out what's going to take the most time, what needs done first, what part will be the most fun, etc. I've found that breaking a big/difficult project into smaller pieces makes the whole thing just seem more manageable somehow.

First on the list: any of the "must-do's" - things I need before anything else can get done, or things that have a hard and fast deadline - I like to get the deadlines out of the way right away. Next on my list comes the things I really don't want to do - that way, it's over and done with, and it all gets better from there. From there, I just kindof keep going until I've gotten to the "most fun" thing on the list - I save that for last, almost like a reward for a job well done.

I've got a goal to work towards (doing the fun thing), I get the stupid details I don't want to deal with out of the way first, and if I get interrupted, I can go back, and check a bunch of things off my list (even if they're tiny baby steps).
2006-10-10 19:20:08 UTC
I find that past experience with success makes the intervals of concentrated hard work self-justifying. I know that the outcome is worth it... been-there-done-that enough to understand the process.

On a very practical note, I arranged my administrative office (where I spend half of my time) with a desk and a drafting table; this allows me to change positions (standing, sitting, walking) while working through the day. Goes a long way toward eliminating the physical fatigue component of extended projects. I also adjust my work hours to include time when the suite is empty so that I can turn up the music. Secretarial call screening and a blue tooth headset for the calls that do pass through increases efficiency and shortens the overall time needed to complete a task. Perhaps the biggest key is recognizing what pieces of a project can be handed to an assistant with expectation that the finished "piece" will return on schedule for completion of the overall project.

If you can't tell... I really enjoy my work and pride myself on being productive.

2006-10-11 18:49:39 UTC
As a procrastinator of 20 years, I've learned the hard way that procrastination is the silent killer. I'm still paying for what I've done in the past, but I do the following so that I'll have a brighter future:

** You've gotta know

1. Who you are

2. What your mission is

3. How to describe all about your mission in detail.

In other words, CLARITY = POWER. Get clear, and you'll get confidence.

** Take goal setting SERIOUSLY. The average person thinks that goal setting is cheezy and lame. Well, the average person is overweight, watches 8 hours of television, and can't find Italy on a map.

I recommend a serious goal management program like "goalpro"

** "Don't stare at the steps, step the stairs!"

** "The wise do at once what the fool does later" - Maxim #268 from Balthasar Gracian's "Art of Worldly Wisdom"

(I keep a copy of that book on my desk)

** Don Ruiz rule #4: "Do your best"

("The four agreements, by Don Ruiz)

** Moving forward is always *LESS* painful than staying put - Dr. Susan Jeffers, author of "Feel the fear and do it anyway"

** Never wait for the right moment to do something, because it never comes. The right moment is ALWAYS N-O-W.

** The more you do something, the more familiar you are with it. Being familiar with something gives your clarity, and like I said before CLARITY = POWER

...and last, but not least...ANYONE CAN START SOMETHING, BUT IT TAKES A LEADER TO FINISH IT. - Except from Toastmaster magazine, June 2006 editorial.

Good luck!
2006-10-11 10:09:40 UTC
I work at home for myself also. It is very difficult sometimes to just get going but that is not the worst of it. I know in the back of my mind that once I start I will have to stay with the project until it is completed. No breaks or I will lose my train of thought and as a writer that spells disaster. What I do to keep a positive track is plan a great reward for the end of the days project. No wimpy rewards. Something you really want . Sometimes I have a massage in the evening. Other times I will invite my safe sex buddy over for an evening of unabashed wild abandon. Believe me you get the job done with rewards like this waiting for you.
2006-10-11 07:12:35 UTC
I usually read a book or something. But there are many that don't like to read so here is another way. I take a step back and a deep breath. Then I close my eyes and think about the problem that lies ahead. The problem may seem impossible and you might think that you can never accomplish your goal, but that is never truly the case. When you see the problem and your goal, compare it to another task you have done; another task that may have seemed impossible, yet despite the odds you succeeded. This will make your task look considerably easier. And if you cannot think of a task that you have done that was more difficult than the one you are about to do, then imagine a task you know others have done and succeeded in doing. And never...Never ever think of yourself as a failure if you cannot complete that task. Nor should you think of yourself as less than anyone else, if you cannot complete a task ask for help. With more minds trying to solve the problem you can always figure it out.
2006-10-11 05:56:13 UTC
First, you have to love your work! If you dont love it, everything will turn out as if it is eternity! However, if you love your work, you wont notice that time reallly flies fast.

Sometimes people who envy you and criticize you can help you one way or the other. Why? Because you want to show your best foot forward! It is a challenge! Dont take it on the negative side, however, it is not that easy.

It is important that you are eager to learn & make each day a learning experience. Each hard work or trials in life are there to make us a stronger person. One day, looking back , you will be proud that you made it despite the hardships.

Always thank the Lord & ask for His guidance. You might not notice it, but everyday , we receive little blessings from Him. Sometimes, we see too much of the negative side. Why not reverse it & see that we are more fortunate than other people.

If you know of the poem, DONT Quit, it really helps! When things are pressing you down a bit, sigh, but dont you quit! When the funds are low & the debts are High, rest if you must but dont you quit!

Get positive verses and display it in your work place. I always have them around.

Life is too short, make the most out of it!!
2006-10-10 20:08:46 UTC
Picture the project as it will be

when it is finished.

Since I don't have a clue as to

if it is a carpenter project or

a case in a courtroom, I don't

know how to specifically help

the project plan.

If it is appropriate, take a paper

and number it from 1 to whatever.

Write the first step, second step, etc.

Make an outline of what it is you

are going to do, and how you will

do it.

Possibly even a completion time or date.

Write down the supplies, etc that

you are going to need, plans to

get them, etc.

If you need to finish up, catch up

or do other things ahead, get

those out of the way.

Now focus on only the project.

Get excited over it. Picture it finished!

Promise yourself a treat when

you are finished. Good luck!

You can DO it!

You ARE a 'em all!!!
2006-10-11 07:45:13 UTC
I am a big project person, and this is my favorite reminder on big projects.

How do you eat an Elephant, ONE bite at a time?

Determine a logical way to break up your project. Whether it be in time segments or natural sections of the project. Require yourself to complete a segment before you give yourself a break or a day off. Depending on the size of the project.

If you work at home, schedule yourself, as you would in an office. Two hours, coffee break, two hours, lunch break, two hours, afternoon break and two hours quiting time. This is just an example. If you work around childrens schedules, you must work like crazy when they are gone.

I have worked as a Merchandiser for National companies for 25 years, while raising 2 children and being a homemaker. Being a self starter is REQUIRED, you must not allow yourself to be sidetracked. No TV, be strict with yourself, you can do it.
2006-10-11 09:09:26 UTC
The best way to tackle a large job is to do it in little pieces, and as you approach the end, you will be more motivated and the job will be easier and possibly even fun to finish. But if I am reading what you are saying right, you have to do the job without stopping. I have had similar situations and the only way is to say to yourself I am going to start this job now, and once you get yourself lost in it, you will find the job easier than you thought it was. When the going gets tough , the tough get going.JUST GRAB THE BULL BY THE HORNS AND DO IT !!!
Gary H
2006-10-11 06:50:48 UTC
Yes, I know, it is very difficult. The same happened to me, but even worse (nasty relationship problems). In the end I lost my job through illness during probation period! I was working on big data migration projects, legacy -> NT and obviously, I had just changed from one good company to another. My concentration went, nearly had a nervous breakdown..a nightmare!

But, when I look back I think I should have just kept my goal in view, then I think no matter how bad the problems that you face are, if you.keep at it, you will get there and when you have , you will have your dopamine rush..your reward for gettihg there! That will motivate you plus, who wants to be a failure???

Hi Hi, I am on my way back up now! good luck!
2006-10-11 08:16:43 UTC
When i come accross a challenging work project i usually look at it like this. There can only 3 kinds of projects - One which I have done bfeore, so I can do it again many times. Two I have heard abt it but never done it. So I tell myself i will try and find a way to get it done. Three I have never heard about it or done it. Well take pride and do it coz probably it will be done for the first time and you will be the one doing it.

Good luck.
Karla R
2006-10-11 10:00:27 UTC
These are just little practical things that help me concentrate. First I start with a clean slate - I take a shower or at least wash my face and end with a splash of cold water. I have peppermint candles that I burn - which that scent has proven to increase alertness and concentration. I place a bowl of peppermints near my work station for the same reason. I get a bottle of ice cold water - which will also signal your brain to wake up. Then I just make myself start. I set my alarm on my watch to go off in one hour increments - and when the alarm sounds I get up from my desk and take a break. I stretch, walk around, lie down for 5 minutes - whatever I want to do. Then at the end of that time - I get right back to work. I hope this helps you a little.
2006-10-10 23:51:13 UTC
Play the architect game and pretend that you are creating a plan of action that fits every situation. Once you figur out what your plan is set time limits for each phase of the plan to try and make the game more challenging. You need to keep improving on your times to see if your plan is faulty. Of course the goal in any project is to finish the project. But, it is the subprojects that give you a sense of accomplishment throughout the work.
2006-10-10 18:00:30 UTC
Knowing that there is a deadline to meet, that if I do NOT start right now and get to work, and keep on task, then the project will fall behind schedule and NOT get done.

That is how I keep motivated, plus the fact that with keeping the end goal in mind (a great presentation or a good resolution to the problem), then I can steadily work towards that goal.
2006-10-11 04:30:00 UTC
When I'm in situations like this (I've published two books, which is of course different from calculations, but it's a huge task), I divide the work up into logical parts (say, chapters or pages). Then I set an intermediate goal for each part with a time limit (say, 2 pages per day for two weeks = 1 chapter). They I celebrate each intermediate success. How do you eat a whale? One bite at a time.
Anne Marie
2006-10-11 12:48:59 UTC
What helps me is to list what needs to be done in detail and in the order that I want to do it. It motivates me to get one thing done to move on to the next and so on. Before I know it I am done with the project and I didn't forget anything because I wrote it all down before hand.

Good luck and try to stay positive. I know it can sometimes be difficult but always at least try.
2006-10-10 21:41:17 UTC
For me it depends on the project. Yet I have found that if I visualize the job/project over, or completed, it helps me get through it. Simply put; imagine the project finished. Use your emotions to actually make yourself FEEL the project complete. Do the Happy dance. Smile. Jump up and down, (if you're into that kind of thing), and feel the joy you will feel when you are actually finished. Then believe it. -- Now get started, and don't stop till you're there. Done. Finished. Good Luck, and enjoy the process.
2006-10-09 11:18:22 UTC
It depends on the project. If it is boring and physical labor I play music or listen to DVDs of old comedy shows that I check out for free from my local library. Then I am really listening to the shows and doing the work on the side.

If it is just an awful project, I try to have a great life around it. For example you could go to a concert or a sports game prior to and after completing it. Having a lot of pleasure when there is work to be done makes me feel guilty enough to do it!
2006-10-11 00:10:55 UTC
Break it down into smaller chunks, set yourself realistic goals and reward yourself for achieving them, even if this reward is just getting up to walk around for a minute, stopping to chat to a friend or getting a coffee or a biscuit. It's amazing how much more motivated you will be with something shorter in sight than the final endgame!
2006-10-11 13:11:10 UTC
Break a big project into smaller sections...this way you have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the smaller successes. Take a break in between or set rewards for the different sections, once they are completed. Looking at it in smaller parts is less daunting than the idea of a big project with no end in sight.
2006-10-11 12:53:12 UTC
I think to myself," Hang on in there! I'll make it!'' There's Korean Drama line that I often remind my self; "Aja! Aja!" Which literally means something like, ''Fighting!'' lol Life without challenges would be utterly boring so as absurd as it may sound, I try to rekindle gratitude towards challenges in life. lol I ususally lose motivation towards the end, when I'm almost finished with a project. That's when I have to really be firm with myself and push myself forward, to complete tasks that I dislike or lose movitivation in the long run. :)
* Deep Thought *
2006-10-10 18:44:26 UTC
Being closer and closer to finished project helps me to stay positive.

My best course of action, is to dedicate a block of time like 2 hours a day to that project, or 3-4hrs with a 1/2 break.

I find breaks help, and a schedule definitely helps, this way, you are not working on something endlessly and hating it.
2006-10-11 06:19:06 UTC

try to think of any reward for yourself after youll accomplish this project so everytime youll feel very down and deppressed or streessed out... tell yourself " its ok I can do this because if i will be successful of this project I will buy the cellphone I really dream of" (or anything you really want).... and remember do your best and give it all for your job, even if its a really hard work... your lucky you have a job.
2006-10-10 22:27:23 UTC
Find your drive. What motivates you to do the work in the first place? Keep that in view at all times. Make the project fun. If it is possible, listen to music. For me, I have to study a great deal for translation work so I get CDs, a good movie, anything to make the study time fly by.
2006-10-10 21:31:01 UTC
First, I pray, then I organize my working table or place such that everything is neat and orderly, no mess, no unnecessary things. Next, I make sure that I am wearing something confortable then I take a deep breath and start working.

When I am on the project proper, I start on little details first then to the next bigger or compex matters. If avoiding interruption is not possible then just make some marks or notes on where you stop. Good luck and happy working!!!
2006-10-09 11:15:40 UTC
it is always easier to tackle a big long project by breaking it down....write down like 5 main steps in the process then break those down into steps themselves..this way as you move along you can cross off stuff already done and see how much farther you have to go....its alot easier to see you are making progress then spinning your wheels....also good to concentrate on the knowledge you are gaining from your experience and how good a finished project will make you feel in the end..heck even give yourself something when your done that will give you something to look forward to like a trip to the spa, or a dinnerat a place you have wanted to try.....chin up and keep plugging.
2006-10-11 08:02:31 UTC
I just have to get right in there and do it! I read an article once on the "power of an hour". It's amazing what you can do. I realize there must be some type of motivation still, but it's helped me a lot.

Good luck.
2006-10-11 11:43:41 UTC
I give myself rewards! I might tell myself if I get "X" completed, I can watch 1/2 hr of TV. Or, if I work for 3 hrs non-stop, I can have that candy bar in the drawer. Think of things that make you feel good and reward yourself for hitting certain milestones in your project.
2006-10-10 18:18:57 UTC
A nice hot pot of coffee... ear plugs if needed... take lots of little breaks... & stay comfortable. Also, allow yourself to doodle & jot things down to help you work things out. Now... just start and do what you can. Then get some good rest and start again when possible. Good luck!
2006-10-09 11:12:39 UTC
Something that helps me is that even when I lack the motivation, or what I think are good ideas, I try to produce some version of the work at whatever level I can. If it's writing, I just write without worrying that I'm doing it at my highest level. If it's music, the same, I just go ahead and do SOMETHING, even if I sense I'm not turning out my best.

Then at least I have something finished in front of me. Chances are you'll be very critical of this deformed thing you've produced and you'll immediately start making an improved version of it.

The answer then is: JUST DO SOMETHING. Waiting for inspiration can be a neverending hang-up.
2006-10-10 18:04:53 UTC
I know that I get a piece of cheese when I finish it :)

Ah, but when I work on a project, which is usually a website or a program, I have instant messenger running so that random IMs give me short breaks. I always have music playing (ipod on shuffle), so that helps a lot. It also helps to nibble on some snacks while working.
2006-10-10 17:54:28 UTC
Personally I am a procrastinator so I wait until I have to get something done before doing it. Not a method I recommend, but it's always worked for me. Another way is like someone else suggested...just get started. I've done that once or twice too. Best of luck to ya!
2006-10-11 12:52:42 UTC
Get it done now so you can goof off or do something more fun later on. Works for me. If you procastinate, you'll still face the haunt of the task. Nothing bites more than that. :)

Turn of tv. computer, playstation 2 ect. Tell family to be quiet, also.
2006-10-11 01:08:18 UTC
If you dread what you do - you are in the wrong business and you will end up with a nervous Breakdown.

Get a job where you can breathe the fresh air - like Landscaping or Surveying.
2006-10-11 05:43:30 UTC
Stay positive! As soon as you finish it you'll see how much you were motivated and you'll see you done the best of yourself...

Try to relax for a while and start again with your mind free of negative stuff...

sorry, my english is too bad, i hope i'd help you!
2006-10-10 20:45:02 UTC
Promise yourself a reward at the end, like a massage, give yourself something to look forward to! Whatever it is you like to do, antique shop or Starbucks or a long browse in a bookstore, give yourself a little indulgence. You're worth it!
2006-10-13 14:23:17 UTC
Take field trips. Connect with the outside environment. Take a walk, talk to strangers, jog, run, sprint. Jump. Stretch. Turn up the music.

2006-10-11 04:21:36 UTC
begin with the end in mind...

Steven Covey, 10 Habits of Highly Successful People

and keep focusing on the end result! Good luck!

2006-10-15 08:19:51 UTC
The way I tackle hard jobs it to: first get started work at getting organized then make it a goal to get it done. then when you Finnish you have the satisfaction of a job that looked impossible but is now done and you can say well done
2006-10-11 12:16:43 UTC
I organize the project, break it down step by step, then promise myself to get this "one little step" done before lunch. Then this "one little step" done before quitting time. Next thing you know, the whole project has gripped my attention and I've gotten it done.

Or anyway, that is the way I used to do it. I'm gloriously retired now.
2006-10-11 07:59:30 UTC
being your an intellectual like a friend of mine you might need to take celexa especially since your asking to stay positive. I need to leave but I'll come back later to elaborate a little more but I do feel you need to take some meds
2006-10-11 05:31:38 UTC
well i like to throw my self into it. but start a few days before you have to do the project. then really do some planning and most of all look forward to it. and think of all the rewards you will have and how good you will feel when you are all done.
2016-10-16 04:21:39 UTC
Ahhh, solid question. i'm having an analogous concern myself because of the fact i pass by using a era of winding up college, attempting to locate an entire time pastime, and pass out on an analogous time. indexed decrease than are my suggestions which could get me by using: a million. Write a to-do checklist and in basic terms positioned the main necessary initiatives on the paper because you will weigh down your self with small initiatives that don't could be dealt with appropriate way 2. track! i'm able to't stress this sufficient to everybody. track that places you in a competent temper or relieves stress for you is an advantage because of the fact it boosts the feel solid hormones on your physique that gets you inspired. 3. exercising- back it boosts the feel solid hormones that makes you experience extra suitable and satisfied. Any variety which includes strolling, working, or a universal pastime/game of yours gets your shifting lots swifter and extra suitable. 4. refer to close pals and relatives- speaking out your problems takes the extra burden off your shoulders and each so often solves problems 5. puppy an animal. i understand this sounds humorous yet different examine examine point out that petting an animal which you like or have is a stress-relieving therapy because of the fact it takes your thoughts off of issues and places you in a extra suitable temper 6. maximum of important.........think of beneficial, upbeat thoughts! stay far off from any damaging thoughts/thoughts as maximum suitable as you may. each and each time a damaging power comes close to you, combat back with beneficial photographs. tell your self back and back back which you're reliable, continual, clever.......and so forth and in case you shop this up, ultimately you would be questioning beneficial very rapidly and be extra inspired and scarcity procrastination. basically have self belief in your self and shop telling your self you're able to do it and your nicely worth it; for even if you're training you will conquer it.
2006-10-11 04:23:06 UTC
I always set my "eyes on the prize". I think about the outcome when I'm working on a difficult project. That's what keeps me going.
2006-10-11 06:27:07 UTC
Drink Coffee!!
2006-10-11 04:54:48 UTC
Break it down into small pieces. Reward yourself frequently. A short walk, cup of tea, quick phone call.
2006-10-11 10:27:15 UTC
Think about something positive, and try to focus on the project.
2006-10-11 07:38:27 UTC
Music. Lots and lots of music.

Then just dive in and take on the project. That's worked for me for a long time now.
2006-10-10 18:21:46 UTC
Simple. The sooner you start the sooner you finish. I learned a long time ago and taught my son this simple bit of can do anything as long as you know it will eventually long as you know the length of time you will be involved in the job or activity.

Keep you chin up.......
2006-10-11 10:26:52 UTC
I tell myself that the sooner I start the sooner I will be finish.

What also helps is to pray for the strength to get this job done.
2006-10-10 20:15:41 UTC
i like to listen to good upbeat music. it keeps me bopping around and i get the work done.

usually this is the only way i can get motivated. whether it's listening in the car or at the place i'm working.

if i can't have music i sing... loudly. ha ha.

good luck.
2006-10-10 15:44:28 UTC
You just have to grit your teeth and go for it. Like walking up hill for a long time. Try to let part of your mind think about other things, while you are working. Just remember it won't last forever.
2006-10-11 01:10:40 UTC
Think of what you are going to achieve at the end yahoo answers you get points,best answer gets 10 points,likewise if ur desperate and love your job u will ao anything to achieve it.Atleast try to till it is resolved .
2006-10-10 17:26:53 UTC
i have a hard project at work and i don't like doing it but i have to. what i do i just start. just go for it. then stop if u like and take a break..but just try and keep going and get it over with.
2006-10-11 10:56:08 UTC
Give yourself a reward when you have complete a project.

example: Take a small vacation and forget all your worries!
2006-10-11 05:46:41 UTC
I hold myself for ransom and if I don't finish my project in time I start removing body parts.
2006-10-10 16:36:14 UTC
let me know when you figure it out I have several projects waiting for me. Sorry wish I could help you but I truly believe you should never do anything today that you can put off until tomorrow.
2006-10-10 16:13:42 UTC
I try to get help from a friend. It makes the job go smoother and yall can talk about it for years to come.
2006-10-10 17:33:42 UTC
When I think of finishing a project I can only thing of beauty and the rewards that this will bring me upon completion.
2006-10-11 09:51:51 UTC
Because I paid this, out of pocket mind you, price for school tution, I'm gonna make sure that I finish.
2006-10-10 15:10:40 UTC
fifty said what I think. A little music or something while i'm doing things helps me a lot.
2006-10-09 11:14:13 UTC
Just conentrate on your job..don't think about anything else and be sure of that.. Always know that you love what you are doing and you must be special in it and do it in perfect way. Try to read about your field and be interesting about the things you do..find the good sides in your work..

Good Luck!
2006-10-10 20:28:01 UTC
Quit and find something's to short to waste your valuable time
D@nny boy
2006-10-09 11:09:09 UTC
Get rid of all distracting items e.g: MSN, things to fiddle with music and so on. Then write down what you want to get done, make a few goals and work your way towards them. ;)

Good luck.
2006-10-10 13:51:06 UTC
Get rid of all distracting items e.g: MSN, things to fiddle with music and so on. Then write down what you want to get done, make a few goals and work your way towards them. ;)
2006-10-11 10:28:46 UTC
Definatly make goals...and drink plenty of water!
2006-10-09 11:14:54 UTC
I like to think about the end result....that always get me through anything difficult.
2006-10-11 08:38:25 UTC
my paycheck motivates me profoundly. and has for over 30 years.
miss advice
2006-10-11 12:48:14 UTC
have you ever considered that maybe you are in the wrong line of work? it doesn't sound like you enjoy your job very much.
Denise B
2006-10-11 07:16:48 UTC
2006-10-11 09:46:33 UTC
if this project is succesful it will add a feather in my cap.&prove others I AM THE BEST.this will be my motto.
2006-10-11 05:40:45 UTC
Loud music.a beat is good for concentration and motivaiting.
2006-10-10 19:14:37 UTC
You can only change yourself.

Meditate and deep breathing.
2006-10-10 18:32:53 UTC
Stop accessing Y!A for awhile.

Now get out of here and start working.


2006-10-11 09:12:07 UTC
I smoke a fatty and then I just dig right in!
kuku t
2006-10-11 04:19:39 UTC
change urs paradime yaar nothing is impossible here my dear.
Celebrity girl
2006-10-10 16:16:51 UTC
I think of how rewarding it will be once it's finished.
2006-10-11 05:18:28 UTC
think of the end when its over and you're relaxed :-)
2006-10-09 11:13:18 UTC
Try to change an attitude. Sometimes that helps for me.
2006-10-10 18:07:39 UTC
make goals and get rid of distractions!
2006-10-10 22:00:54 UTC
pretend your boss is calling and saying: "if you don't get this thing done YESTERDAY, you're FIRED!!!"

that should be enough motivation...
2006-10-11 10:25:20 UTC
be positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!to gain u have to lose somthing...
2006-10-11 09:35:24 UTC
james ian h
2006-10-11 02:59:08 UTC
deep breath....3x...then say i can do this....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.