"To Live Within," Lizelle Reymond, is inspirational.
1-800-525-LOVE http://www.klove.com 24/7 has licensed counselors who will love to talk with you about your situation, how you might be happier.
Keeping a dog, cat, bird, fish, or plant, something that you care for, is good.
Reading in the Bible, going to church, listening to ministers on the radio, also good.
Being positive and doing well at work also good.
Volunteer work helping children to read, etc., also good.
"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
"Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon," O. M. Aivanhov, and
"For Women Only," Shaunti Feldhahn (or, "For Men Only," same author, if you're a man) are good.
Reading good books and listening to good music is also helpful, as is keeping a positive mental and emotional attitude.